Do you need a lightweight solution to get a rough idea of what people are up to on your Windows File Servers?
Try the below.
This will:
- Document all file locks on your Windows File Server
- Export the results as a CSV which can be opened in Excel
- Create a cumulative list, the longer it runs, the more you know
- Tell you when files were accessed (e.g. date/time)
- Capture info about files which were accessed but not locked
- Provide a forensic-grade audit trail of what users are doing
## User Editable variables
$domain = "CONTOSO"
$root = "C:\ServerFolders\Security\OpenFiles"
$interval = 10
$ErrorActionPreference = "SilentlyContinue"
# Infinite loop for simplicity
# Get full AD user list
$userlist = (get-aduser -Filter * | select SamAccountName)
# Unlock all files to be updated by closing SMB handles
Get-SmbOpenFile | Where {$_.Path -like "$root\*"} | Close-SmbOpenFile -Force
# For every user, make an open file list
foreach($user in $userlist)
# Process existing data
$name = ($user.SamAccountName)
# Initialise empty in case no previous log exists
$old = ""
$old = (Import-CSV -Path "$root\$name.csv" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)
$new = (Get-SmbOpenFile -ClientUserName "$domain\$name" | Select-Object ClientComputerName, Path -Unique | Sort-Object)
# We want to combine the current list and the new list, while only keeping unique records
$combined = ((@($old) + @($new)) | Select-Object ClientComputerName, Path -Unique)
# Re-export combined new unique value set
$combined | Export-CSV -Path "$root\$name.csv" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
## Start sleeping
Start-Sleep -Seconds $interval